Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Banquet

Hey Everybody, just wanted to let you know about the Valentines Banquet we enjoyed with our students last night. We had a grand ol' time complete with games and a delicious spaghetti dinner prepared by the Di Stefano family. But more importantly we wanted the night to be focused on healthy relationships. So, we had guest speaker Abby Horn who works with the Palmetto Family Council and specializes in abstinence workshops for schools in the greater Columbia, SC region. She shared with our students the the difference between Lust and Love and illustrated it on a spectrum. Abby stated that at the beginning of most relationships there is a period of infatuation during which we make a emotional connection with a person of the opposite gender. From then on it is up to us whether we take that infatuation and move on the spectrum in the selfish direction of lust or the selfless direction of love. It turns out that as we move towards lustful selfishness we create issues in our relationships because we are using the person as a means to our own end. The catch is that as we move further and further towards lust it takes longer to get back to square one because we have to go back and work through each issue we've created and right the wrong. Our natural tendency is to seek selfish gain from everything, but love, on the other hand, love is based on selflessness. That's what makes love powerful. When we love someone we do things for their benefit. That is how we express love. I thought this was a powerful thought and wanted to share it all with you all. The following are scriptures about love that you can look up that tell us about God's love. I hope you take the time to dwell on each of these throughout the week.

Romans 5:8
Ephesians 2:4-5
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
John 15:12-13
John 3:16

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