Friday, October 8, 2010

The "It's been a while" Update

Hey everyone,
So, it has been a while since I posted a blog, but that doesn't mean things are slow. After Servanthood, this summer, our student ministry went back to meeting on a weekly basis. Attendance was low because of family vacations and summer activity in general. Those that were able to make it to our Student Ministry Night got a crash course in "How To Study Your Bible." It was a good time of really helping the students dig into questions they need to be asking the text as they read the Word.
In August my contract with Student Ministries Incorporated (SMI) ended. I really appreciated their assistance in raising support for SMI. Previously, I had only raised financial support for short term mission trips and this was a eye opener for me as far as trusting God with my finances was concerned. Since August, God has continued to prove faithful in that I recently got a job at the local airport where I've been working for a construction crew as a flagman, making sure that construction workers don't get in the way of aircraft. It's a pretty easy job and I have a good amount of free time on my hands to work on student ministry related things.
October 15th-17th we have a camping trip planned for our student ministry! I'm really excited because I love camping, but also because we get to hang out in the woods with our students. Retreats and trips of any sort really help bring a group together in ways that simply don't happen in the day to day. I'm thrilled because this will be the most attended off site student ministry event to date too!
Well folks, I think that's all for now. Please continue to pray for our student ministry, that God would guide us in leading, that our students would find meaning and depth in the teaching and ultimately there would be life change for the glory of Christ.

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